Monday, November 9, 2009


On Wednesday, my group had a very productive meeting for our final project. We came up with the idea of working with "representations of America." We decided that we might approach this BIG concept through the lens of our respective fields. I believe we decided that we would do a power point presentation to show the class our findings.

Should be fun!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tech Resources...

I am happy to report that I finally spent a good long while working on my home page. I am quite happy with the results. Last Wednesday, we were to have our first group meeting for the final project. Even though two of our group mates were absent, I had a nice time talking to Geneva and swapping ideas. I expressed my interest and experience with photoshop and we decided it would be best to wait for our other group mates before we got too far into a conversation.

have a good week!