Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sad...Goodbye LaGuardia

Thursday was my last day of Student Teaching at LaGuradia Arts with the great Sandy Faison.

This experience proved to be the most life affirming in my long journey towards becoming an arts educator. I created such strong relationships with my wonderful students and now I don't know what I will do without them! It was especially difficult because they did not quite understand why I had to leave.

I will keep the great memories and never forget the many lessons I learned...

I love you LAG!


I have looked at different websites from my classmates and it's great to see how their personalities are reflected in the layout.

Here are three that I decided to write about:

1)Norah--I love the continuity in Norah's website. Looking at her website made me realize that I should have one single color scheme throughout the website. This added a level of professionalism to my site that it sorely lacked.

2) Lindsey McAdams--I love the colors on Lindsey's page! Knowing Lindsey, her page totally reflects her great personality!

3) Ashley Olson---Again, I think Ashley did a good job of creating continuity throughout her website. The format is the same on all the pages---makes it very pleasing to the eye!

Blackboard Critique!

I have been using blackboard since the first semester of my graduate studies and I find it to be far superior to the "moodle" system I used in undergrad. I appreciate the layout of blackboard as it spreads links cleanly throughout the page. I think there is enough structure to guide teachers and students to place and find appropriate information, yet there also appears to be plenty of freedom for a teacher to design the page to their liking.

From the perspective of a teacher, it seems like the ability to have students upload papers onto a page without dealing with emails or hard copies is truly revolutionary.

As a a student, I appreciate the ability to have class resources and articles so accessible.

My one critique is how the "message board" is used. I don't think it is an effective way to continue a classroom discussion, yet I do believe it could be an easy place for students to swap ideas about class projects, etc.

Browser Comparison

I definitely have a favorite browser---FIREFOX! I love the "aesthetic" design of firefox and how easy it easy it is to keep information right in front of you. I appreciate how simple it is to open a new tab within the window and nor have to constantly look at the bottom of the screen to find a website i had previously opened.

I don't use safari that often, but it appears to be similar to firefox.

My least favorite web browser is windows internet explorer. The text at the top of the page appears to be overly formatted to the right side of the screen, while firefox successfully spreads the links across the page. additionally, the information boxes at the top of the page take up a significantly more amount of room than with firefox.

Monday, November 9, 2009


On Wednesday, my group had a very productive meeting for our final project. We came up with the idea of working with "representations of America." We decided that we might approach this BIG concept through the lens of our respective fields. I believe we decided that we would do a power point presentation to show the class our findings.

Should be fun!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tech Resources...

I am happy to report that I finally spent a good long while working on my home page. I am quite happy with the results. Last Wednesday, we were to have our first group meeting for the final project. Even though two of our group mates were absent, I had a nice time talking to Geneva and swapping ideas. I expressed my interest and experience with photoshop and we decided it would be best to wait for our other group mates before we got too far into a conversation.

have a good week!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Greetings my Friends!
My name is SEAN FINAN and I am in my second year of Graduate School at New York University. I am working towards a Master's Degree in Educational Theatre from Steinhardt. I am new to the blogging world, yet I am looking forward to sharing my adventures with you!
