Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blackboard Critique!

I have been using blackboard since the first semester of my graduate studies and I find it to be far superior to the "moodle" system I used in undergrad. I appreciate the layout of blackboard as it spreads links cleanly throughout the page. I think there is enough structure to guide teachers and students to place and find appropriate information, yet there also appears to be plenty of freedom for a teacher to design the page to their liking.

From the perspective of a teacher, it seems like the ability to have students upload papers onto a page without dealing with emails or hard copies is truly revolutionary.

As a a student, I appreciate the ability to have class resources and articles so accessible.

My one critique is how the "message board" is used. I don't think it is an effective way to continue a classroom discussion, yet I do believe it could be an easy place for students to swap ideas about class projects, etc.

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